Wednesday, November 26, 2014

**Knock, Knock...***

Oh, HI!  Fancy seeing you here... Like there's anybody there...

I seriously want to learn how to post something thought provoking enough to make people leave comments...  but until then.. you get this:

I am busy as hell at work... My entire dynamic has changed. For the better really, but there are things I am unable to make room for in my day and it's just so much different than before that the new reality is this:  I have time for Facebook throughout the day, but really just to keep up with other people not so much to comment. I found myself about to comment the other day and all that happened was that I was about to send a paragraph into the void...and I told myself when the Facebook posts get to be about a paragraph, that's when I should really choose to blog... fine..  I don't really care about making sure I get on and comment on Facebook these days... It mostly just turns into more like a tweet... small short concise post with a pic attached.  Usually it's an IG with a sentence that I auto post to FB and Twitter...  GAWD that just sounds boring writing that...

The catch up game will take a while so I don't know which is better... one long giant post or a few over the next few days??  I'm going to try the latter and see what happens... again, not like anyone reads this god forsaken thing...

I have decided to change the name of the blog if you have noticed...if not, no matter.

When I got our new phones in Spring I got an unbelievable deal that included 2 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab 3's... I seriously didn't even know what I would do with these things, but they quite literally GAVE them to I thought, hey... party, bonus.  I took them home and Choni was reticent about them at first... 6 months later he wouldn't know what do without it!  I bought cases on Amazon that came with bluetooth keyboards.  Great investment, might I add!  The charging chord to the keyboards fits the galaxy, so I basically always have the charger for it... doesn't sound important to some I bet, but it's SO important when you're lugging stuff for people.

When these things fell in our laps, I had been contemplating a laptop purchase...but wasn't sure...then I read an article about 10 Top Dying Techs.  On that list were laptops.  Simply stating that with desktop PCs doing incredible things that you pretty much would want to NOT do on a subway and tablets coming with expandable memory and keyboards...why?!?  So I thought, yeah why?!?  My mission then became to use the SHIT out of my tablet...and I do.  I game on it, I'm addicted to Hey Day.. shut up.  I have a few little life regenerating games to fill in the 1 minutes holes of down time I have throughout the day and that's about it... Thing 2 still requires I sit with her while she plays, but she doesn't want me to play with her because she doesn't want me touching her I will sit there and video her playing and play a game and show her video and pictures of her set ups... it's all about presentation for her right now.. "See what I did?!?"  Yep, that's her in a nutshell...

My big idea is to use the tablet for those few minutes between when I brush my teeth at night and then choni goes to brush his teeth and I sit there waiting for him to be those moments I can do one of two things: 1) sum up my moments and thoughts of the day Doogie Howser style on my tablet or 2) map out something a little more interesting to say when I have more time...Either way, that's my new personal goal...writing with pen and paper still hurts even with the wrist support and typing this now in my Icelandic office (don't get me wrong if it's hot in here my nose bleeds end of story), I have finger-less gloves on and wrist supports but I'm covered...I'm A-OK.

I got really busy over the my head... I was over thinking the idea behind the blog, whether anybody cares and whether it's worth it, and whether I have time and my new tasks at tasks at home... making sure I'm "present" all the time... getting called out about being on my phone when I was like "I'm only on MY phone... when YOU are on YOURS..."  some eye opening developments in my relationships with people that are not Choni...

Summer went by slow...  No softball I think did that.  I had a break to myself that I spent sick...again...and I got this WEIRD skin thing that itched like a spider bite and scarred like one too.  I think it was a brown recluse bite because those tend to turn into cellulitis if not caught ASAP.  It's fine now.  My TMJ something something disorder is in cahoots with my neck and shoulder tension and makes my teeth hurt.  I had my extensive dental work done and hopefully that's the end of that...I don't think it is.  I'm lucky to have any teeth with my family history.  Allergies are still in full swing... All of that compacted toghether equals me being in some form of pain everyday at some point in the day..  If I am busy with enough things I don't notice so that's nice.  My plantar fasciitis is somewhat more under control than in the two years I've had it so that's good...  $40 insoles later and a new pair of shoes and some exercises later...  But it's better than what it was at the's not completely gone away and I'm supposed to go in for a cortisone shot the foot to calm down the muscle next month.. Can you guess how exciting I find that?  Can you?!?

I joined GoodReads and have been reading up a storm thanks to 1 minute intervals in the day and lunches and waiting for things... I put forth a challenge for myself.. I am almost done :)

I have been using the HELL out of Coconut Oil for all of it's benefits, I am very into at home remedy mostly because I already have all that stuff at home most of the time.  Because of the DRY ASS winters, I have switched to a Cleansing Conditioner because I am prone to dry scalp in winter more so than any other time of year.  Last year was HELL on my hair because I cut my hair OFF and as much as I loved the cut I jacked up my pH balance on my head and then even with a pseudo winter we had...I itched...and itched...and itched. No amount of OTC head stuffs worked.  So I suffered.  Then it got warmer and it stopped.  Now it's cooler and it's starting...not as badly as last year, but it was this time of year I cut my hair OFF...and it's growing back at lightning speed.  This time next year I'll be like "What short hair?"    I think I'll stop there because this is just rambling now and who cares?

I'll start the smaller blogs with more to say in the next few days.  Mister is working an off season job but I'll get into that later!

If a flea bites a tree in the woods, does it itch?

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